EverQuest Single Player
Ever since I was young I wanted to play a single player version of EverQuest. Well today, I did just that, and I’m going to show you how you can too!
Ever since I was young I wanted to play a single player version of EverQuest. Well today, I did just that, and I’m going to show you how you can too!
The zip packages on this page have assets and documents for theming a Windows 10 computer to look like an older operating system. Watch the YouTube video and read the documentation provided to get an understanding of how this process works. If at any time you want to undo the theme, uninstall Classic-Shell and run the Uninstall-Theme.bat file.
Lets say you purchased an unofficial xbox 360 hard drive and you want to play your original Xbox games on your Xbox 360. Well, you can’t without this program and a special partition file that allows you to create the data required for playing these games!
Few people these days have dial up internet. Most everyone has ethernet cables with broadband, which leaves older technology behind. Even with the addition of the broadband adapter, you will not be able to play some games that require the dial up modem. Luckily there is a new developer out there to bring the Dreamcast back online with the use of a Raspberry Pi!
Here’s a batch file that will minimize Discord on startup. There is a small setup needed to do this though.